Remote Student Self-Study Workbook

Are your students facing challenges learning & studying remotely?

Studying remotely comes with different circumstances and requirements than studying in a traditional classroom environment. The requirements placed on the student to schedule, organize and manage the day are different than in a conventional school/university environment.

Remote Student Self-Study Workbook is designed for people studying remotely. The purpose is to help to create an environment and processes that best support students’ strongest behavioral traits. The aim is to help students not only to succeed in their studies but also to enjoy them.

No previous assessment knowledge is necessary. The assessment is self-guided and beneficial to students, educators and parents.

Remote Student Self-Study Workbook Consists of Two Independent Sections:


  • Self-Directiveness
    • Do I have the discipline to do it?
  • Self-Motivation
    • Am I motivated to do it?
  • Self-Communication
    • How do I encourage myself?
  • Self-Care
    • Am I fit for it?


  • My Learning Zone
  • Action Learning
  • Control Learning
  • Structure Learning
  • Contact Learning
Extended DISC is an Award-winning provider of hiring and employee development solutions for 30 years!

The requirements placed on students to schedule, organize and manage their studies are different than in a conventional learning environment. We do not believe there is one personality type that is more likely to succeed in remote studies and another one that has the greatest challenges. Every student can succeed when they have the tools and support they need.

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