Award-winning provider of hiring and employee development solutions for 30 years!
- Frustrated with too many bad hires?
- Baffled that some employees simply can't perform?
- Uncertain how to effectively train your employees?
- Afraid of being too dependent on a few key individuals?
- Frustrated with some of your employees’ excuses and performance?
If any of these sounds familiar, our candidate and employee assessments can provide a solution.
Thousands of organizations – from small to large – trust us to help them.
Certification (Train-the-Trainer)
Certification is recommended, but not required. We focus on your success by ensuring you are comfortable and confident using Extended DISC®. Certification has been approved for recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR, and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute and SHRM recertification credit hours.
Extended DISC is widely recognized for providing the most responsive and flexible support and customer service in the industry. You also have access to award-winning support materials.
Why use Extended DISC®?
We provide information to help make better decisions. Doctors do not make decisions without diagnosing the real causes of problems – it is malpractice. You deserve to have access to data to make informed decisions and take smart actions to achieve your goals. Our candidate, employee, team, and organization assessments provide scientifically validated information to make confident and better decisions.